Day 6

6. Rewrite one of your favorite poems or stories.

Zachary Schomburg - Two Meteorite Theories

If we stand still long enough
a gigantic meteorite
will crash into our skulls and kill us.
Or meteorites crash into our skulls all the time, every day,
but no one notices
because they are so tiny,
constantly crashing,
killing us slowly over decades.
Either way, let's not just stand here
with our fingers up our butts.

Cassidy Bigsby - Forget the Theories

The earth gets warmer every day.
Ice caps are melting,
smog is thicker than fog,
and those crazy people live in it,
because big oil say it's ok.
The cows keep farting,
but god their muscles taste so good
and the milk makes our bones stronger.
We want to be big strong boys
protein, protein, protein.
And steroids, don't forget the juice.
The bigger we get, the better we feel.
People think we're angry,
its just our egos growing outside our bodies
and our peckers.

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