Monday, April 24, 2017

Cramming it All in a Weekend

This past weekend I didn't have to work at the day job. I was excited to get a full weekend off, but wanted to utilize my free time. That meant being productive in all my other interests. I wanted to ride my bike - but needed to make sure I wasn't too tired after. There was a giant writing project looming over me, and I wanted to hangout with my girlfriend and dogs between everything else.

There never seems to be enough time to accomplish everything, but I was extremely close in the last two days.

Saturday was a big day. I woke up at a reasonable hour, drank some coffee and had breakfast, then went straight to the computer to work for a while. I had until 1:15pm to work before it was time to get suited up.

I met up with a few guys for a nice long ride at 2pm. The small group made me nervous. I had yet to finish a long ride without bonking this year, but Saturday was different. Surprisingly, I felt great the whole time. I put in a lot of work at the front, the climbing legs were dancing on the pedals, and I still felt strong enough at the end to keep pushing the pace. In the middle of the week I put in some quality miles, which hadn't been happening recently. It appears the race from the previous weekend and the extra rides have boosted my fitness - an exciting discovery in the middle of the race season.

Returning home, I expected to be a zombie for the rest of the evening, but I still had some fight in me. I pushed to finish the rough draft on my project and stayed up late to do so. It was beginning to feel like a choir (23 pages), so getting the first draft done was the cherry on top of a successful day.

Sunday was all about editing. I hoped for a finished product by the end of the day. 23 pages is a lot and I like to go over important pieces 3-4 times before submitting. I didn't quite make it, but did manage to get two rounds of editing in while finding time to meet Rian for lunch and clean the apartment. I'm still editing today (Monday), but I'm starting to feel close and ready for submission. It will be so satisfying to get this article turned in.

I was impressed with my productivity, so I rewarded myself with some Karaoke at the bar down the street last night. Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground was stuck in my head all week, and I gave a flawless performance. Going out was the perfect cap to a busy weekend and it was important that I spent time with Rian, because we've both been busy with work.

Riding, writing, fun, and even some cleaning. I squeezed it all into one weekend without killing myself to do so. Finding such a good balance was more gratifying than finding my fitness or getting close to finishing my big project. All the hard work and focus is paying off.

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